At Wicklow Wolf, our mission is to create exceptional beers, brewed in a sustainable way.
Wicklow Wolf was established in 2014 in Wicklow, Ireland. With a strong ethos rooted in Wicklow, the environment and the world we live in. We want to honour the land and give back. As the native American proverb goes “We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”.
Sustainability is at the core of everything we do. It influences how we brew, package and advertise our beers. From growing hops to state of the art brewing systems, we do all we can to reduce our carbon footprint.
In 2022 we at Wicklow Wolf we wanted to take our commitment to sustainability one step further. We commissioned the installation of over 120Kw of solar panels, covering the entirety of our 17,000 sq ft brewery roof. Find out more on our sustainability by following the links below.
As part of our commitment to sustainability, we have broken down our plan into four key pillar’s of sustainability. Emissions, Energy, Waste & Water.

- At Wicklow Wolf we use only 100% renewable electricity.
- A custom built, state of the art brewery with a 35hl, four vessel Braukon Brewhouse.
- Our brewhouse features a heat energy recovery system saving us the same energy per year as 1.7 million cups of tea.
- Installation of lighting motion sensors throughout the brewery.
- 120kw of Solar Panels covering the entirety of the brewery roof.

- We are constantly implementing new procedures and systems that will in turn reduce our Carbon Footprint.
- We are actively working toward a target of being Carbon Neutral by 2024
- As part of several different initiatives, we are always planting more trees at the brewery and our own hop farm. To date we have planted just over 5,000 native Irish trees in Wicklow.

- Spent ingredients (Hops, Yeast, Grain) go back into food system to a local farm with the remainder being sent to Anaerobic Digestion to be turned into green gas.
- We are a proud member of Repak
- In 2019 we made the move from glass bottles to cans, a more sustainable way of packaging our beers.
- We are actively looking at ways to reduce waste across the entire company, from the brewery floor to the Taproom and the office.

- When building the brewery in 2019, we installed state of the art systems to reduce water usage across production.
- We are constantly monitoring water usage per hectolitre produced as well as implementing methods to reduce overall usage.

Repak and Origin Green
We are proud members of Repak and Origin Green as part of our commitment to reducing waste and running our business in a sustainable way.