Image of Moonlight can

Non-alcoholic, low in calories and brewed without compromise – Moonlight is a full flavoured non-alcoholic hoppy ale.

For the month that’s in it, we enlisted the knowledge of our sales rep Pieter Reid who is also a trained mixologist and he has created two delicious non-alcoholic cocktails using our very own Moonlight Hoppy Ale.

Moonlight Raspberry Sour

You will need:

2-3 fresh Raspberries
30ml Lemon Juice
20ml Sugar Syrup (equal parts sugar and water)
20ml Pasteurised Egg Whites
100ml Moonlight


First, combine all ingredients except the beer into a cocktail shaker (or screwtop jar) with ice. Next, shake rigorously until frost forms on the outside or gets ice cold to touch, about 10-15 seconds. Strain into a cocktail glass, top up with Moonlight and garnish with some fresh Raspberries.

Moonlight Hot Blooded 

You will need: 

40ml Blood Orange Juice
10ml Agave Syrup
2-3x thin slices of green chilli (preferably jalapeno)
100ml Moonlight


First, combine the blood orange, agave and chilli into a cocktail shaker (or screwtop jar)with ice. Now, shake rigorously until frost forms on the outside or gets ice cold to touch, about 10-15 seconds. Strain into a glass filled with ice, then garnish with a wedge of blood orange and a piece of chilli.


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