Our Brewhouse
Introducing Wicklow Wolf Brewery; a state of the art custom build brewery complete with our 35hl, 4 vessel Braukon brewhouse and in house packaging facilities is situated just south of Dublin in Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow.

Always Innovating
From our very first beer in Bray to the latest releases here in Newtownmountkennedy, we’re always innovating and thinking of new ways to brew exceptional beer in a sustainable way. With new releases and collaborations each month, we’re evolving how we brew and who we do it with. The Locavore project is our way of using what grows in the lands around us and celebrating the terroir of Wicklow.

Our Brewing Team
Our Brewery is run and overseen by our Production Manager, John Allen, Our Head Brewer Andrew Hamilton and our brewing and packaging team – Harry Szapira, Jordi Pena, Tadhg McCabe, Charles Barth,Gabriele Quirico and Oleksandr Pervashov.

A Collaborative Space
Brewing beer and collaborating with friends is something that we love doing. One of our favourite things about the craft beer industry is getting to brew beer with friends, swapping ideas, stories and celebrating post brew with a beer. We are always delighted to have our friends from other breweries and other industries to visit us and brew beers together. Find these collaborative brews in our crossbreeds series.

In House Canning Line
We are very fortunate to have our own canning line at the brewery. This ensures that we have full control over the quality of the beer that leaves our brewery in cans, meaning that the customer gets exactly what they are looking for every time.
Want to take a look around the brewery for yourself? Book in and join us on one of our guided brewery tours at the link below.